Modell Nr. 38: Baujahr 2020, Console Steel Gitarre (double neck), Body aus Ahor, Fretboard aus Aluminium, Pickups "P90"
(Eigenmarke), gebeizt und geölt, höhenverstellbare Beine, Mensur: 57
Model no 38 from 2020: console steel guitar (double neck), body of maple,stained and oil-impregnated, fretboard of aluminum, "P90" pickup (private label),
adjustable legs, scale: 22,5"
Modell Nr. 34: Baujahr 2020, Console Steel Gitarre (double neck), Body aus Esche, Mahagoni gebeizt und geölt, Fretboard aus Ahorn, 2 single coils pro Hals (Eigenmarke), höhenverstellbare Beine, Mensur: 62 cm
Model no 34 from 2020: console steel guitar (double neck), body of ash, stained mahogany and oil-impregnated, fretboard of maple, 2 single coils per neck,(private label), adjustable legs, scale 24,5"
Modell Nr. 33: Baujahr 2019, Console Steel Gitarre (double neck), Body aus Esche, Fretboard aus Aluminium, Pickup single coils
(Eigenmarke), Lackierung Acryl gelb, höhenverstellbare Beine, Mensur: 57
Model no 33 from 2019: console steel guitar (double neck), body of ash, fretboard of aluminum, single coils pickup (private label), acrylic lacquer yellow,
adjustable legs, scale: 22,5"
Modell Nr. 14 : Baujahr 2011, Console Steel Gitarre (double neck), Body aus Esche, Eiche dunkel gebeizt, Fretboard aus Plexiglas, Pickup "P90", Potiknöpfe mit
Perlmuteinlagen, Lackierung Schellack, Mensur: 52 cm
Model no 14 from 2011: console steel guitar (double neck), body of ash, stained dark oak, fretboard of plexiglas, pickup "P90", pot-knobs with perl inlays, shellac
varnishing, scale: 20,5"
Modell Nr. 06: Baujahr 2004, Console Steel Gitarre (double neck), Body aus Ahorn, Einlagen an der Kopfplatte aus Perlmutimitat, Fretboard mit Wurzelholzfurnier,
Messing Dots, Pickup Single coils, Lackierung Schellack, Mensur: 52 cm
Model no 06 from 2004: console steel guitar (double neck), body of maple, pearl imitation on headstock, root wood veneer on fretboard, brass dots, single coils
pickup, shellac varnishing, scale: 20,5"